Spicy Candied Nuts
Posted in:
Sat, Dec 25, 2021, 16:52:03, 3 Yaers ago
comments: 0 - hits: 209
Preheat oven to 325 degrees
Mix walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, cayenne, cumin, salt and pepper
In a small sauce pan over MEDIUM heat, melt butter, sugar and water until boiling for 1 minute
Pour liquid over the nuts, mixing thoroughly
Spray a foil-lined baking sheet with cooking oil
Spread nuts onto baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes
Stir the nuts around for about 4 - 5 minutes
Bake for additional 6 minutes
Let cool before serving
1 cup raw walnut halves1 cup raw pecan halves1 cup unsalted, dry roasted almonds1 cup unsalted, dry roasted cashews1 tsp salt1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper1/4 tsp cumin1/4 tsp cayenne1 or 2 tbsp butter1/2 cup sugar1/4 cup water
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